Sunday, September 14, 2008

Exciting things are happening with Letters from David

First of all, thank you to Stealing Wishes author Shannon Yarbrough, for his amazing review and also for posting it to! Shannon Yarbrough, a Southerner, writes gay fiction that is currently #1 on's Kindle as of Aug. 31. Congratulations, Shannon! He's "currently seeking an agent or traditional publisher for two more books."

Taking a cue from Shannon, whose digital works are priced at 49 cents on, I'm experimenting with his business model. After offering my e-book, Letters from David, free for the month of August, I have now changed the price to a smoking-competitive 50 cents to test the market for 50-cent e-books. I also have a great publisher interested; I am very excited and am awaiting a response. I should know by Nov. 30. It seems like a long, long time, but patience is part of the game and I chose this publisher with care.

If I get a negative response, instead of sending it around to anyone else, I will sink some $$$ into the promotion, including a book trailer for and a splashy dot com web site.

On my day job front, I am really enjoying my job as editor of scholarly works. The seriousness of my day job is a wonderful complement to my nights and weekends as a fiction author.

Please check out this new company, Way Out Sortie, that does very good $200 book trailers:

I'm impressed. Are you?

Also, last but not least, please check out J. J. Hebert's book, Unconventional. He also has an interesting blog and we often talk back and forth in e-mail about important stuff!

Please don't miss reading my romance novel, Letters from David. I hope you enjoy it!

Blurbs wanted! I'm collecting blurbs and won't be able to make a book trailer until I have lots more. Please, please?